GPG SERVICES has developed several tools for services and products, that enhance our results and deliveries in Geosciences. When any client has a requirement, we can work with all the different commercial software available in the OIL&GAS market, and beyond it, we enhance them with our GPG TOOLS & SOLUTIONS.

  • Our services are aimed to provide the solutions, where the client defines its goals and we provide our experience, knowledge, and resources to reach them.

In GPG SERVICES, we concentrated years of work, dedication, and experience in OIL&GAS Exploration and Production projects that allow us to provide several solutions for critical geosciences.

  • Products and results in Seismic Interpretation, Petrophysics (Well-Seismic model integrations), Stratigraphy, Geochemistry (Surface and Subsurface), Statical & Dynamic Model Integration, and more Geosciences are provided with the best quality/cost relation.

Our capacity to complement and develop geosciences solutions has a huge impact on your project schedule and cost reduction because we place at your disposal several options to reach your goals, under technical supported ways, regarding your data and resources.

Regardless of the final commercial platform or version of your preference, we prepare all the results under your specifications and general formats. Also, we could load them into your database as part of the service.


GPG SERVICES is a company dedicated to develop and apply to your data, processing, and integration methods regarding their particularities as the main rule.

  • If your project has a goal or requirement, we can evaluate its status and prepare solutions, always with your participation as the top-level that selects into the options presented, the most adequate to reach your objectives.

We have the skills and staff to evaluate any geological, petrophysical, geophysical, geochemistry, and any other geosciences requirements. Always presenting solutions adapted to your project budget and schedule.


For this opportunity, we want to highlight two main examples related to petrophysical interpretation methodology and  Surface Geochemistry C1-C4 Soil samples projects, developed with GPG SERVICES resources and methodologies.

  • PETROPHYSICAL INTERPRETATION METHODOLOGY PROJECT: By request, we developed a proposal service for Well Log interpretation, customized to the equipment and data acquired by the client. From this proposal GPG SERVICES as a complement of the client tools available, prepared several modules with custom equations as final products such as Spectral Gamma Ray processing (ClayTYP), Geomechanical Analysis (GeoMech), Porosity (PorMod) Shale Volume from GR (VshlMod)  and Saturations (SatMod), all them into our internal software for Petrophysics => Well and/or Plots options. These modules were created as a complement for commercial tools of the client, generating specific curves and data not provided by such commercial tools and exported in LAS to be used in any other platform and client reports generation. The solution was aimed to enhance and apply a customized model for areas or fields, regarding its particularities and properties, also to improve the time/result for integrated models definitions, the next figure shows the final plots proposal for each module and available to be exported as LAS files.

  • SURFACE GEOCHEMISTRY C1-C4 AND MICROBIOLOGY SOIL SAMPLES PROJECT:  we participated not only in the design of the field sampling stage but also in estimating with our partner labs the C1-C4 and UFC/g values from soil samples to process such results under the best methodology, aimed to define geochemistry and microbiological anomalies. In this case, we create a specific module that reduces the data processing time and generates all the supports for 2D result analysis. All the supports generated for this kind of project are prepared with our tools and knowledge, condensed into a detailed report, and digital database in standard formats as a client specification. Additionally, we propose some methodologies and maps to identify possible prospects anomalies, related to seismic or any other geoscience data anomalies, the next figure shows all the results prepared for the project and attached to the final reports.



(Rw_SalGPG tool)

As a gift for all our potential clients and colleagues, we are sharing a portable tool for Water Resistivity (Rw) and Salinity (Sal) Analysis (Rw_SalGPG.exe), that condensate in just one screen the possibility to estimate NaCl equivalent ppm values from total saltwater analysis and also its Rw knowing the temperature sample. On the other hand, this tool allows us to estimate Rw from NaCl values and temperature sample. Additionally, some conversions tools for Celsius and Fahrenheit degrees and Rw2 from Rw1 & Temp1. 

This is a shareware version, so we will be grateful for all your comments and observations about its performance which will allow us to improve it (please scan the QR code for contact details), in return, we will send you an updated version with all the upgrading. Any suggestion about adding or removing something also will be welcome.

If you are interested to download this Shareware Tool for Rw and Salinity analysis for you or your colleagues, please click the next download icon:

Rw SalGPG » Entrada
30.1 MiB

Best regards and enjoy it.